Absolutely. Think of a keyword that matches your business such as "Florist, Prescription, CarWreck" and we will setup a sample within an hour.
A text message of up to 160 characters without an attached file is known as an SMS, while a text up to 1600 characters that includes a file—like a picture, video, emoji, or a website link—becomes an MMS.
In a nutshell, it comes down to paperwork that the carriers will be requesting. We have everything that is needed already in place and we even provide you with mandated privacy policies and terms of use for your website. If you don't have a website, we can assist with this as well.
Depending on the depth of services you would like for us to perform and your EMR platform, you can provide us a user account with sufficient rights within your EMR to make/confirm/change appointments, verify insurance coverage, request prescription refills, submit referrals and more. For fast paced clinics with 5000 + active patients, the best route is an API integration. Our DEV team can discuss the options and fees associated.
Yes, you can easily use a single texting number. Depending on volume of texts, it may be more economical to use a shortcode (5 or 6 digit) number instead of picking one of your business numbers
We can help you secure a random short code (5 or 6 digit number) or a Vanity shortcode - which is a specific number sequence you request such as 321321. Short code fees cost $500/mo. while Vanity short codes cost $1000/mo.
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